From Zombies to MOMbies® – for a Cause

Helping to fund research for metastatic breast cancer

We’re a Group of Moms on a Mission!

We are MOMbies, and we created the phenomenon ‘dance to donate’ to raise funds for metastatic breast cancer research through the Cancer Couch Foundation. Our MOMbies videos have been seen by millions, and have inspired people around the country to donate to breast cancer research.

We’ve raised over half-a-million dollars so far – and we’re just getting started!

MOMbies® Highlights

The MOMbies® Store Is Open!

Check out our new merchandise & apparel – and free shipping!

Order soon: Holidays may delay shipping

Media Highlights

 2024 Holloween Sponsors

Ghoulish gratitude for our amazing platinum sponsors

For a complete list of our generous sponsors, click below:

Donate Directly to the Cancer Couch Foundation

The Cancer Couch Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit that exclusively funds metastatic breast cancer research. All donations are matched so not only do 100% of donations and event proceeds go straight to the cause – your money is doubled – making twice the impact in half the time!  All matched funds are directed to the world's leading cancer centers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

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